Welcome to the UCF’s SENSEable Design Lab. As an interdisciplinary research group grounded in computer science utilizing computational methods, design practices, and performative metrics to create and evaluate embodied designs. Our research and education bridge science and engineering, the arts and humanities, and psychology, from modeling light’s reflection at the wavelength level to multimodel performance and training capture.

Research at SENSEable focuses on changing current architectural and training practices by developing, validating, and testing simulation methods utilizing complex illumination, material appearance, physically-based simulation, and spectral rendering to improve design solutions for building energy use and occupant comfort. We are located at the IST, School of Modeling, Simulation, and Training.

Our address:

SENSEable Design Lab

IST, School of Modeling, Simulation, and Training

University of Central Florida

3100 Technology Parkway

Orlando, FL 32826

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